valentine recipes chocolate Marshmallow Pops

Valentine’s Marshmallow Pops

Marshmallows for the Christmas Marshmallow Pops

Place Marshmallows on the Lollipop Stick

Melt Chocolate in a microwave

Coat the marshmallow pops with chocolate

Allow the chocolate to cool

Candy Metls for Valentine's Marshmallow Pops

Candy Metls for Valentine's Marshmallow Pops

Valentines Marshmallow Pops

Valentines Marshmallow Pops


  1. For each Marshmallow Pop, find 3 marshmallows that are approximately the same size an skewer them with a lollipop stick.
  2. Place 20-25 chocolate wafers in the pan and microwave them for 30 seconds, check them, give them a stir and then microwave again for 10 seconds more. Repeat process until chocolate is almost completely melted.
  3. Use a spoon to help cover the marshmallows and also to smooth out the chocolate once it was on the marshmallows.
  4. Allow the marshmallow pops to cool and the chocolate to harden.
  5. Melt 15-20 Wilton Red, Bright White, Bright Pink and Pink Candy Melts in individual Ziploc bags.
  6. Once melted, cut the tip off the bags.
  7. Alternating colors, drizzle the melted candy melts over the Marshmallow Pops.
  8. Allow the drizzle on the Marshmallow Pops to harden before storing in an air-tight container.